The First National Bank of Omaha will not renew a contract with the National Rifle Association to issue an NRA-branded Visa card, according to a Reuters report.

“Customer feedback has caused us to review our relationship with the NRA,” First National Bank of Omaha spokesman Kevin Langin in a statement yesterday. The bank declined further comment.

“This is a bold move for First National of Omaha, but also a risky one, because passions burn so hot on both sides of the topic of guns,” Matt Schulz, senior industry analyst at, analyzed the decision said a statement regarding the bank’s decision. “Many will applaud the move, but NRA members are famously loyal, and the organization has shown itself as being very good at mobilizing its members, so there’s a real possibility of a significant backlash. However, banks are in the business of managing risk of all kinds, and First National clearly sees this as one they’re willing to take in the wake of the tragic school shooting in Florida.”