Winning The Race, Slowly And Steadily

Winning The Race, Slowly And Steadily

Julia Anne Slom jokes that probably no little kid dreams of becoming a banker. She said at first, she didn’t intend to stay long in the industry either. After working in the petrochemical trading business, she earned an MBA and went to work for Fleet during a stressful time in the company’s history.

The Real Issue In Real Estate

The Real Issue In Real Estate

Welcome to the February issue of The Commercial Record! This month we take a look at everything real estate in the Nutmeg State – and it’s not all what you might expect. We could have called this one “The GE Issue,” as the topic is much on the minds of developers and...
After GE, The Deluge?

After GE, The Deluge?

It’s an increasingly familiar quandary in Connecticut commercial real estate circles: how to revive massive office complexes built during the heyday of the suburban migration that are lagging in demand as 21st-century workspaces? General Electric’s 526,000-square-foot...