Mary Boudreau can be, and has been, described as an epicenter for her industry and her community. One of her greatest strengths, according to friend and former colleague Debra Alderman, is her ability not only to rally troops toward a common goal, but to find and connect with them.
“It’s amazing how many people she networks with,” Alderman said, describing Boudreau as a “network queen” of sorts. “She goes beyond the everyday chores of her job to reach out and make things easier for other people.”
After putting in more than 25 years in the industry and filling roles ranging from owner of her own mortgage banking firm to board member of the Home Builders and Remodelers Association and National Association of Home Builders, Boudreau, branch manager of CT Home Mortgage, has learned that strong unity is central to the success of an organization.
“We can always accomplish more as a team,” Boudreau said. “I’ve always been one to include those on the outskirts of a conversation or group and try to bring them in to feel a sense of belonging and participation. Everyone has something to contribute and often they just want to feel the door is open to join in.”
“I don’t think it’s anything I do consciously; it’s more a part of my personality,” she added.
Boudreau’s magnetic personality has helped her build that vast network of clients, colleagues and peers throughout Connecticut – a state that she’s proudly called home since she moved there at an early age from New York.
And this idea of the importance of the home is what makes Boudreau passionate about real estate. The fact that she does not merely secure a mortgage for her clients, but guides them through the entire process with care, Alderman noted, is why she has such loyal customers – and plenty of them.
Always looking towards the future of the industry, Boudreau explained that her community involvement has a positive side-effect of exposing more young people, especially young women, to the fulfillment that a career in real estate can provide. This is especially important – and ironic – coming from someone who admits that they fell into real estate “basically by accident.” It’s a happy accident that Boudreau has never forgotten, and never regretted.
“I’ve met some of my best friends through the organizations I have joined,” she said. “It all starts with someone extending an invitation to participate.”