Realtor Leader Previews CT’s 2025 Market

Steven Miller has recently begun his term as the 2025 president of CT Realtors, and takes a look at what the housing market might look like during his term.

Builder Finding Fertile Growth Territory in CT

Mutifamily housing developers are gravitating to the suburbs in search of sites that offer lower acquisition and construction costs than urban cores. It’s a fertile growth opportunity for Callahan Construction.

Price It Right from the Start: Three Strategies to Avoid Costly Listing Pitfalls

Due to persistent high interest rates and lack of inventory, buyers are still sitting on the sidelines. As a result, it’s more important than ever to price your listings correctly right from the start.

Bringing a Small Lender into the Future

In the midst of consolidation and bigger banks eating up small institutions, Charlyn Tanner is looking to help Dutch Point Credit Union keep up with the times.