Coldwell Banker Residential Associate staff members recently walked to raise money to battle Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Hundreds of walkers and supporters turned out for the recent Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Walk for Project A.L.S. 2004. The three-mile walk was through the campus of SUNY Purchase College located in Purchase, N.Y. There were more than 400 participants for the first-time-ever walk on behalf of Project A.L.S. The walk raised over $118,000 to support Project A.L.S., a nonprofit organization dedicated to raise money for and awareness of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Billy Baldwin, actor and Project A.L.S. board member, attended the pre-walk festivities and spoke to the audience about the important work that Project A.L.S. is doing.

Since its inception in 1997, Project A.L.S. has funded cutting-edge scientific research on ALS to move science and a search for a cure further – and faster – than any other organization in the history of the disease.

Sponsors included Coldwell Banker Mortgage, Nelson Salazar “The Home Expert,” the New York Mets, Poland Spring and WFAS Radio.