38 Church St., West Haven
George J. Smith & Son Commercial & Investment Real Estate of Milford recently brokered the sale of 38 and 44 Church St. in West Haven. A group of local businessmen bought the two historic homes for $440,000. Charles A. Liberti of Blue Ribbon Realty, a real estate investment and appraisal firm, bought 38 Church St. and the law firm Donahue, Votto & DeGennaro bought 44 Church St. Both buyers plan to renovate and remodel the homes and use them as offices.
Carl G. Russell, executive vice president of the real estate firm, represented the seller, Christ Church Parish. Liberti represented himself and the other buyer.
High Ridge Receives Incentive
The Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund and Connecticut Light and Power recently presented a $24,000 incentive payment to Stamford’s High Ridge Park office park for its participation in a program that lowered its electric usage during the summer months, when demand on the electric system is at its highest.
Offered by CL&P and ISO New England (the independent system operator that maintains the reliability of the regional electric transmission system), High Ridge Park participated in the Demand Response Program, available to medium-to-large commercial and industrial customers who reduce their electric usage on a 30-minute or two-hour notice from ISO New England on days when there is high demand on the electric system. The owners of High Ridge Park, George Comfort & Sons, earned $20 per kilowatt in June, July, August and September.
“We commend George Comfort & Sons for its commitment to energy conservation, particularly in the critical area of southwest Connecticut,” said Department of Public Utility Control Commissioner John Betkoski. “It is our hope that this company will serve as a model for others to replicate.”
“The response by George Comfort & Sons to energy efficiency programs offered by the Connecticut Energy Efficiency fund and implemented by CL&P helps not only GCS save energy, money and the environment, but is a very positive response to the various electric congestion and delivery concerns in southwestern Connecticut. We hold them out as an example of a business tapping into available funds to help themselves in particular and the state in general. The CEEF also commends CL&P in its ongoing effort in concentrating on energy concerns in the area and helping customers become more energy efficient as they reduce their bills and help to offset congestion concerns,” said Richard Steeves, chairman of the Energy Conservation Management Board.
“We are proud to be an active participant in the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund Programs,” said George Comfort & Sons President Peter S. Duncan. “We take great satisfaction being a leader in the business community by making our buildings as energy-efficient as possible. We could not have done this without the Conservation Fund.”
The CEEF was created by the Connecticut Legislature to promote efficient energy use, help residents and businesses save on their electric bills, promote economic development, reduce electric demand and help reduce air pollution. CL&P administers the CEEF through conservation programs that serve residential customers, including low- and fixed-income customers, as well as business and municipal customers. Connecticut’s energy-efficiency programs are funded by the conservation charge on customer electric bills.