North Haven’s Pearce Real Estate recently gave its annual gift of 25 Thanksgiving “gift baskets” to local nonprofits to help community members in need.
These “baskets” were really foil roasting pans creatively wrapped and filled with essential Thanksgiving staples, accompanied by a grocery gift card to purchase a turkey.
The packages were donated to Clinton Social Services, Community Dining Room in Branford, Women & Family Life Center in Guilford, Boys and Girls Club of Milford, North Haven Community Services, Youth Continuum in New Haven, Community Action Agency of New Haven and United Way of Meriden and Wallingford.
“These baskets allow less fortunate families to celebrate the holiday, with one less thing to worry about. Making these annual Thanksgiving Baskets is part of our collective desire to give back to the community, a tradition we honor here at Pearce,” brokerage President Nanette Pastore said in a statement.