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The mayor of New Haven and the head of the city public housing authority gathered supporters and reporters on a sun-baked parking lot in the city to announce a pair of deals that could eventually lead to hundreds of new apartments in the city.

The city and the Glendower Group, the development arm of city housing authority Elm City Communities, said they had inked memoranda of understanding with two development teams that will be charged with turning two city-owned parking lots on State Street on the edge of the city’s downtown, and a third one around the corner, into 450 or more new homes, according to The New Haven Independent.

New York City developer LMXD signed up to turn one not-quite-1-acre lot at the intersection of Orange and George streets into 175 apartments, including 51 affordable units. A joint team of New York City affordable housing developer Xenolith and Providence, Rhode Island construction giant Gilbane Building Co. agreed to develop the other two lots along State Street into 279 apartments, including 70 affordable ones. In each case, the city housing authority will support the affordable units with Section 8 rent subsidies, the Independent said.

The projects will rise next to Spinnaker Real Estate Partners’ development of the old Coliseum site and a series of new market-rate complexes just across the railroad tracks in the city’s Wooster Square neighborhood.