Loan Originators

The Commercial Record’s Top Loan Originators

Large group of international business colleagues clapping handsReal estate data analytics firm The Warren Group, publisher of The Commercial Record, has compiled from its loan originators module a list of the top loan originators of 2023. The originators are ranked by number of loans and loan volume  for all residential mortgages statewide and in Fairfield and New Haven counties and in Hartford and Middlesex counties, as well as by the institution with which they are most closely affiliated (credit unions, banks and mortgage companies).

These LOs have worked hard to achieve their positions in the rankings; they are to be congratulated for their well-deserved success and their contributions to the Nutmeg State’s housing economy.

Statewide Top Loan Originators by Volume of Loans


Rank Loan Originator Authorized to Represent Volume
1 Jarret J. Coleman US Bank, N.A. $276,421,824
2 Joseph Al Antonios US Bank, N.A. $104,619,301
3 Penn Johnson Savings Bank of Danbury $95,394,901
4 Steven J. Greenberg Newtown Savings Bank $52,864,754
5 William R. Hart Jr. Newtown Savings Bank $47,553,476
6 Luann M. Vinson Chelsea Groton Bank $41,652,761
7 Andrea Cote Torrington Savings Bank $39,982,585
8 Kerry A. Farrell JPMorgan Chase Bank $38,375,000
9 Marcus Zavattaro Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. $33,625,771
10 Gina Garafola Citizens Financial Group $32,484,060

Credit Unions

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Volume
1 Ann Gauthier Charter Oak Federal Credit Union $31,400,199
2 Lee Stater Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $30,387,752
3 Sharon Dimarco Charter Oak Federal Credit Union $27,186,586
4 Alison Ignatowski Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $25,007,103
5 Susan Shepherd Charter Oak Federal Credit Union $23,688,773
6 Diane Dumond Connecticut State Employees Federal Credit Union $23,502,034
7 Tim Cahill Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $21,281,299
8 Ashlee Casertano Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $16,773,779
9 Daniel Ruocco III Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $15,575,840
10 Cindy Berger Connecticut State Employees Federal Credit Union $11,430,525

Mortgage Companies

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Volume
1 James Allen Movement Mortgage LLC $74,030,312
2 Timothy J. Martin Jr. Guaranteed Rate Affinity $61,219,040
3 Chris Bartlett CMG Mortgage Inc. $50,955,286
4 John Hodgkins Guaranteed Rate Inc. $50,788,140
5 Jason H. Tolisano Cross Country Mortgage Inc $47,779,327
6 Keith S. Turner Homestead Funding Corp $47,071,071
7 Jonathan Esposito United Wholesale Mortgage $37,521,975
8 Nick Allegro Movement Mortgage LLC $35,280,981
9 Gerard McGuinness Primelending $33,718,407
10 Stefany Pina Prysma Lending Group LLC $31,049,417
Statewide Top Loan Originators By Number of Loans



Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Number of Loans
1 Jarret J. Coleman US Bank, N.A. 275
2 Penn Johnson Savings Bank of Danbury 190
3 Andrea Cote Torrington Savings Bank 162
4 William R. Hart Jr. Newtown Savings Bank 144
5 Luann M. Vinson Chelsea Groton Bank 131
6 Peter W. Aylward Jr. Thomaston Savings Bank 122
7 Steven J. Greenberg Newtown Savings Bank 119
8 Jack Alberti Webster Bank 110
9 Anna Podkowiak Liberty Bank 107
10 Deborah Munno Liberty Bank 98

Credit Unions

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Number of Loans
1 Diane Dumond Connecticut State Employees Federal Credit Union 346
2 Sharon Dimarco Charter Oak Federal Credit Union 172
3 Lee Stater Sikorsky Financial Credit Union 166
4 Susan Shepherd Charter Oak Federal Credit Union 162
5 Heather Salgado Dutch Point Credit Union 153
6 Ashlee Casertano Sikorsky Financial Credit Union 128
7 Jodi Bovich Connex Credit Union 126
8 Ann Gauthier Charter Oak Federal Credit Union 116
9 Tim Cahill Sikorsky Financial Credit Union 112
10 Alison Ignatowski Sikorsky Financial Credit Union 107

Mortgage Companies

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Number of Loans
1 James Allen Movement Mortgage LLC 243
2 Keith S. Turner Homestead Funding Corp 190
3 John Hodgkins Guaranteed Rate Inc. 164
4 Chris Bartlett CMG Mortgage Inc. 156
5 Nick Allegro Movement Mortgage LLC 125
6 Denise Lanouette First World Mortgage 120
7 Timothy J. Martin Jr. Guaranteed Rate Affinity 106
8 (tie) Jonathan Esposito United Wholesale Mortgage 104
8 (tie) Stefany Pina Prysma Lending Group LLC 104
9 Jake Earl Guaranteed Rate Affinity LLC 98
Fairfield-New Haven Top Lenders by Volume of Loans


Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Volume
1 Jarret J. Coleman US Bank, N.A. $264,913,941
2 Joseph Al Antonios US Bank, N.A. $102,405,301
3 Penn Johnson Savings Bank of Danbury $93,477,001
4 Steven J. Greenberg Newtown Savings Bank $48,796,854
5 William R. Hart Jr. Newtown Savings Bank $40,597,576

Credit Unions

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Volume
1 Lee Stater Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $28,730,832
2 Alison Ignatowski Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $22,158,003
3 Tim Cahill Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $20,534,599
4 Ashlee Casertano Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $14,329,279
5 Daniel Ruocco III Sikorsky Financial Credit Union $14,064,590

Mortgage Companies

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Volume
1 Timothy J. Martin Jr. Guaranteed Rate Affinity $58,292,440
2 Chris Bartlett CMG Mortgage Inc. $47,445,929
3 Jason H. Tolisano Cross Country Mortgage Inc. $45,126,777
4 Jorge De La Rosa Caliber Home Loans $29,255,214
5 Colleen Polson Cross Country Mortgage Inc $29,190,816
Fairfield-New Haven Top Lenders by Number of Loans


Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Number of Loans
1 Jarret J. Coleman US Bank, N.A. 249
2 Penn Johnson Savings Bank of Danbury 185
3 William R. Hart Jr. Newtown Savings Bank 124
4 Steven J. Greenberg Newtown Savings Bank 106
5 Peter W. Aylward Jr. Thomaston Savings Bank 79

Credit Unions

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Number of Loans
1 Lee Stater Sikorsky Financial Credit Union 154
2 Ashlee Casertano Sikorsky Financial Credit Union 111
3 Jodi Bovich Connex Credit Union 108
4 Tim Cahill Sikorsky Financial Credit Union 107
5 Alison Ignatowski Sikorsky Financial Credit Union 100

Mortgage Companies

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Number of Loans
1 Chris Bartlett CMG Mortgage Inc. 144
2 Timothy J. Martin Jr. Guaranteed Rate Affinity 99
3 Jorge De La Rosa Caliber Home Loans 88
4 Jason H. Tolisano Cross Country Mortgage Inc. 86
5 Stefany Pina Prysma Lending Group LLC 81
Hartford Metro Top Lenders by Volume of Loans


Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Volume
1 Luann M. Vinson Chelsea Groton Bank $37,000,864
2 Daniel Rosenfeld Leader Bank, N.A. $25,157,538
3 Anna Podkowiak Liberty Bank $23,018,889
4 Gina Garafola Citizens Financial Group $22,878,774
5 Robert Frazee Thomaston Savings Bank $17,719,416

Credit Unions

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Volume
1 Ann Gauthier Charter Oak Federal Credit Union $13,371,550
2 Diane Dumond Connecticut State Employees Federal Credit Union $12,301,371
3 Heather Salgado Dutch Point Credit Union $6,606,307
4 Sharon Dimarco Charter Oak Federal Credit Union $6,326,320
5 Orazio Delvecchio American Eagle Financial Credit Union $5,476,000

Mortgage Companies

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Volume
1 James Allen Movement Mortgage LLC $47,457,460
2 John Hodgkins Guaranteed Rate Inc. $34,115,257
3 Jonathan Esposito United Wholesale Mortgage $25,340,322
4 Denise Lanouette First World Mortgage $23,198,304
5 Marc S. Nathan Total Mortgage Services $21,839,537
Hartford Metro Top Lenders by Number of Loans


Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Number of Loans
1 Luann M. Vinson Chelsea Groton Bank 118
2 Anna Podkowiak Liberty Bank 99
3 Gina Garafola Citizens Financial Group 76
4 Daniel Rosenfeld Leader Bank, N.A. 74
5 Katherine Crovo Thomaston Savings Bank 61

Credit Unions

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Number of Loans
1 Diane Dumond Connecticut State Employees Federal Credit Union 175
2 Heather Salgado Dutch Point Credit Union 112
3 Brian Scavone Achieve Financial Credit Union 75
4 Raul Lopez American Eagle Financial Credit Union 69
5 Tiesha A. Veazey American Eagle Financial Credit Union 60

Mortgage Companies

Rank Loan Originator Name Authorized to Represent Number of Loans
1 James Allen Movement Mortgage LLC 165
2 John Hodgkins Guaranteed Rate Inc. 107
3 Denise Lanouette First World Mortgage 98
4 Nick Allegro Movement Mortgage LLC 74
5 Jake Earl Guaranteed Rate Affinity 74

All loan totals in these rankings are for loans closed between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2022; totals include both purchase and non-purchase loans for residential properties. The lenders listed here the ones for which the originator made the majority of their loans within the year’s timeframe. Data is sourced from public records which may contain errors. For more information please contact Data Solutions at 617-895-5365.