Report: Retail Landlords Look to Fill Space Planned for Amazon Fresh
A pair of grocery store properties in Brookfield and Westport won’t likely be getting the Amazon Fresh stores originally expected to fill them.
A pair of grocery store properties in Brookfield and Westport won’t likely be getting the Amazon Fresh stores originally expected to fill them.
Norwalk is getting the first Connecticut location of the Wegmans supermarket chain, a company like local grocer Stew Leonard’s that inspires devotion in its shoppers.
South Windsor planning officials recently approved a pair of efforts to revamp retail plazas – one by adding apartments, the other by adding a grocery store.
Three central Connecticut Stop & Shop-anchored single-tenant retail buildings have sold as part of a multi-state, $295 million portfolio sale.
Joe Coulombe envisioned a new generation of young grocery shoppers emerging in the 1960s, one that wanted healthy, tasty, high-quality food they couldn’t find in most supermarkets and couldn’t afford to buy in the few high-end gourmet outlets.
Connecticut has plenty of Whole Foods locations but it could also become home to one of Amazon’s planned new grocery stores.
The owners of a prominent downtown Hartford landmark say they are leasing out a vacant ground-floor retail space to a 6,650-square-foot grocery store.