Educating First-Time Homebuyers
Beth Brucker got into the mortgage business after leaving a corporate job with an insane work schedule.
Beth Brucker got into the mortgage business after leaving a corporate job with an insane work schedule.
As financial institutions and fintechs size each other up, what should not go overlooked is the opportunity for fintechs to create efficiencies in some of banking’s most critical functions, say industry observers.
Connecticut lenders benefited from demand for rental housing last year, while the residential market remained largely flat, save for a few of the very biggest players in last year’s Top Lenders.
More than a third of bank and credit union executives said they felt comfortable with forecasting economic projections 12 months into the future in anticipation of FASB’s coming CECL rule, Sageworks recently said.
Like so many others in banking, Anne Cerami says she got into her field mostly by accident, when a recruiter suggested a commercial real estate gig at Shawmut Bank 25 years ago. Since then she’s held a variety of roles, including credit analyst, commercial lender and SBA manager. Now with TD Bank, Cerami is overseeing the addition of several new small business specialists in Massachusetts and Connecticut. She also serves on the advisory board of the microlender Accion.
Federal regulators could reduce regulatory burden on banks by simplifying capital rules, streamlining call reports and increasing the appraisal threshold for commercial real estate loans, a consortium of regulators told Congress this week.
In the Connecticut Green Bank’s five short years of existence, it’s sparked substantial private sector interest in clean energy financing. With a secondary market in sight and new initiatives for manufacturers, the Green Bank is hoping to take that to the next level.
Community bankers who met with President Donald Trump yesterday expressed optimism that the president would tackle the issue of regulatory relief for smaller financial institutions.
Bruce Howell knew from a young age that he would eventually go blind. At 11, he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a degenerative eye disease for which there is no cure. He retained most of his vision through high school and college and enjoyed a 15-year career in retail banking. But then the community bank in Needham where he’d worked was shuttered by the FDIC during the commercial real estate collapse of the ’90s. Around that time, Howell also became legally blind. The Carroll Center’s independent living program gave him back his sense of agency, he said, and today he works on web accessibility issues at the center, helping businesses make sure their digital assets are accessible to all of their customers.
The banking industry saw fourth quarter earnings rise 7.7 percent from the prior year, boosted largely by interest income, the FDIC said this week.
Former wrestling magnate and two-time Senate candidate Linda McMahon was easily confirmed to head up the Small Business Administration yesterday with a vote of 81–19.
As the CT Green Bank celebrated its five-year anniversary, it closed fewer projects in its popular financing program for clean energy upgrades to commercial real estate.
Jessica McCauley kicked off her accounting career at what was then Price Waterhouse. She worked for five years in the company’s auditing department, working largely with startups and tech companies before taking a hiatus to raise her children. Beers Hamerman offered her the flexibility to balance work and life when she was ready to re-enter the accounting world, and it was there that she developed a specialty working with nonprofits.
Here’s a New Year’s resolution you may want to keep: Get your financial institution up to snuff on the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s slew of new rules coming out in the years ahead, including those dreaded changes in calculating credit losses.
The Obama family has edged out Taylor Swift as the most desirable celebrity neighbors in Zillow’s lighthearted celebrity neighbor survey.
Bryan Garcia first developed a passion for protecting the environment during his childhood in Southern California, on family summer vacations spent fishing and hiking in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Younger American workers may be burdened with higher student debt and unemployment rates than the country as a whole, but they’re also more optimistic than older generations, according to a recent report from the Federal Reserve.
Business owners may associate their bank with making loans and taking deposits, but as payments fraud looms, bankers are meeting the need with sophisticated cash management and fraud prevention tools.
Alexander Masse is one of those increasingly rare bankers who has spent his entire career at the same institution.